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5 Reasons to NOT Throw out Your Christmas Tree!!

In a couple of days, millions of Christians will throw out their live Christmas trees.  This usually happens on New Year’s Day.  Instead, put that tree to good use.

  1. christmas tree
    Christmas Tree

  1.  Pine needles are devoured by Spanish Isopods so save those needles and get yourself some Spanish Isopods like Porcellio Ornatus, Porcellio Hoffmanseggi or Porcellio Magnificus and feed them some needles.
  2.  Chip that tree up, age it a bit and use the mulch for worm bedding, Isopod substrate or substrate for many roaches that love rotting wood like Surinam Roaches, and Zebra Roaches.
    Zebra Roaches

    Surinam Roaches

  3.  Cut the tree up and place the logs on the ground outside and attract wild Isopods like oniscus asellus (Skirted Isopods), Porcellio Scaber (Rough Isopods) and Wood Roaches.
  4.  Cut the tree trunk into 2″ disks and place in your Isopod and Roach enclosures to provide them places to hide.
  5.  If you live in an area where burning is permitted, then burn the leftover trimmings and use the potash as a fertilizer in your garden soil.  Mix it with worm castings and give your plants a boost.

Do you have other uses that you can think of for Christmas trees?  If so, Please post them below!

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Our Fabulous Gardening Books Growing Veggies

A large component of what we do at is geared toward gardening and self sufficiency.  From growing your own vegetables using natural worm castings and beneficial insects for pest control, to growing your own reptile food and bait.


Well, here is a great ebook where you will learn all about beneficial insects for pest control, and growing wonder plants that will make you your own food.

Learn all the secrets of Growing Tomatoes, Growing Potatoes, Companion Planting and Natural Pest Control.

Lucia Grimmer, Msc – has authored several scientific papers and won awards for her technical articles. She’s the expert that professional farmers turn to for help.
Continue reading Our Fabulous Gardening Books Growing Veggies

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Aquaponics 4 Idiots – The Idiot Proof Way of Building an Aquaponic System

Imagine growing your own fish for food and then circulating and filtering the fish water through media and growing garden plants in that media to produce some of the biggest, best looking and best tasting food available for Human consumption.  Not only is the food and fish you will grow safe, they are also highly nutritious.  I have two aquaponics systems here at Worm Man’s Worm Farm.  The first is for our Tilapia and the second is Koi.  We do not eat the Koi, but we do eat the vegetables that the Koi help us feed.

If you are still interested well check this out:

“Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the “Fish” Do All the Work…”

And Yet… Your Plants Grow Abundantly, Taste Amazing, and Are Extremely Healthy. Here’s How It Works:
Continue reading Aquaponics 4 Idiots – The Idiot Proof Way of Building an Aquaponic System

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Vegetable Gardening Free Ebook

If you are new to vermicomposting, composting or casting creation, then you are probably also new to gardening.  The best part of worm farming is using the nutrient rich worm castings in your garden.

If you would like a nice reference ebook on gardening to go along with your worm castings, then download our free ebook filled with 142 pages of gardening information for growing vegetables, fruits and berries.  There are also a few pages on composting.  🙂

Check it out and let us know what you think.  Plus, it is totally free.  Check out our write-up about the ebook and then get it for free.

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Building A Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop and grow worms with the Chicken Poop!

Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you can make if you are looking for a way to keep your chickens safe, keep your worms safe from the chickens and to keep the chicken poop contained in the chicken coop until you are ready to use it.

Chicken manure is used to grow Soldier Fly Larvae, which we call Soldier Grubs.  The chicken manure is also good, one aged for growing red worms, European Night Crawlers, and African Night Crawlers.  If you have chickens and want to compost, need bait or want great worm castings for your garden, then build them a chicken coop and you will save the day.
Continue reading Building A Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop and grow worms with the Chicken Poop!

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Tuber Talk. How to Grow Potatoes

We have a few staples here on the farm.  Those items are things that we cannot live without because we need them for business or family.  One of the few items that are needed for business and family are potatoes.  We use potatoes for our Superworms, mealworms, and for slices for crickets, mini-mealworms and Peanut Beetles.  Our snails and our roaches also enjoy an occasional potato slice.  My children love potatoes in all of their many forms.  They love French fries, baked potatoes, potato skins, potato chips and mashed potatoes.    So, when I saw this great article on potatoes I figured that I had to share it with you so that you could also enjoy potatoes like we do.  There is so much potato information in here that I think we will all be experts after reading it.

What kind of potatoes do you grow?  How and where do you grow them?  I am trying purple potatoes this year.  They are purple right down to the flesh.  I hope they taste as good as they look.

Here the article about how to grow potatoes.