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5 Ways to Make Money Selling Excess Insects in 2018

Over the past few months I have worked hard to see one of my dreams come to fruition.  Being someone who has a passion for insects, and exotic insects at that, I have found that there are pockets of experts, groups on social media, different sites that cater to one type of insect, for instance Isopods or Mantids, but there isn’t any one place where breeders, teachers, learners and buyers can meet up, have discussions and trade, buy and sell.

I have had this need to create that place, make it free to use and ensure that it has proper oversight, security and visibility to the hobbyist. My hope is that it will provide a needed platform for the invertebrate world and bring many of the parts together in one place.

People who raise roaches usually also raise other insects, but they have to go to different places to find their interests.

Tonight, two hours before 2018, we are announcing which includes an auction, a directory, a Forum and, which I hope will be the Grubhub of Invertebrates.  Bugbuffet is still being honed and the bugs are being worked out but you are free to check it out.

I would love to get your feedback.  I envision a platform where small growers, worldwide, can start as a hobbyist and sell their excess on our platform and then scale up with us as they grow.  Imagine thousands of small hobby growers listed in and delivering composting worms, feeders, isopods, roaches, arachnids and mantids to their local areas, and also having the ability to sell nationwide via our auction and classified platform at

Please let me know your thoughts.  Will you use this free service?  Drop me a line here or at our forum at

The five ways you can sell your excess insects in 2018 are:

  1.  Invertebrate Auction
  2.  Invertebrate Classifieds
  4.  Through our Network-Wide Ad System here
  5.  By getting a Free Business Link in our Directory here.
    Thank you and Happy New Year!!


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