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Porcellio Laevis Smooth Isopods Care Sheet

Smooth Isopods

Porcellio Laevis


Porcellio Laevis, or Smooth Isopods can be found in warmer climates around the world.  The are found on the coasts of the U.S. in the warmer areas.

They are smooth and have been known to grow to 3/4″.  They are prolific breeders and begin breeding before reaching full size.


Housing:  Any smooth sided container made of glass or plastic.

Food:  Leaves, fish flakes, Brewer’s yeast, small slices of vegetable scraps.

Heat:  Laevis likes it warmer, so 65F to 85F to thrive and breed.

Substrate:  Coconut Fiber, leaf mold or peat that is damp but not wet.

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