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Giant Cave Roaches, Blaberus Giganteus Care Information

Giant Cave Roaches

Giant Cave Roaches

Blaberus Giganteus

Giant Cave Roaches are a very large roach species that requires a certain amount of care to flourish.   They require vertical bark spaces in order to molt and like a deep and moist substrate with fallen leaves and rotten wood.

They love orange slices and fish flakes but will eat almost any of the normal roach fare.

Keep them between 70 Degrees and 85 degrees for best growth and breeding.

Their enclosure should be tall to allow them to cling to the vertical structures when molting.

Do not allow Giant Cave Roaches to become overcrowded or it will reduce their life span.

Giant Cave Roaches are Ovoviviparous, which means they lay eggs inside of their bodies and then hatch out live young once the eggs hatch.

Their entire life span is approximately 2 years.

Giant Cave Roach Nymphs
Giant Cave Roach Nymphs
Giant Gave Roach Molt
Giant Gave Roach Molt

Giant Cave Roach Molting

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