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Dog Food Industry Secrets

"Discover The Deadly Secret The Dog Food Industry Is Spending Millions To Make Sure You Never Find Out"

He slowed down somewhat in the last few years and I put it down to approaching old age, but since I started feeding him the way you teach, he’s had a new burst of life!

Once again he’s running instead of walking, alert instead of sleeping… it’s like having the young-guy back again, I love it.

Every time I bought a tin of dog food for Sweetpea, I stressed over what I would be feeding her because reading the double-talk (as you call it) on the can labeling is frustratingly difficult.

Now, after reading your book, I know exactly what to look for and what to avoid in dog food ingredients.

PS. I visited your site today and see you’ve added the Confidential Dog Food Report, it looks perfect for people like me who love their dogs but don’t have the time to cook home meals… count me in for a copy

She developed such bad hot spots that I tried Benadryl which helped a bit, but then finally gave her 2 steroid injections (I am a retired Physician).

The hot spots disappeared, the skin calmed down, but then she started to lose her hair in spots all over her body. What had I done to m’ Lady???

The first advice [from the vet] was to put her down; now that really irked me, as the vet had not listened to the whole story. (By the way, she still had loose stools with mucus daily; foul smelling).

The Ivermectin Injections have killed the mange, the hair is growing back in, but the skin remained horribly inflamed.

Then, I purchased your "Gold Package", and finally realized that she was having food…

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