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Crested Gecko Secret Manual- Crested Gecko Care

Your gecko does not have a good bodyweight; for example, if the rest of the body is bulky, yet the hip bones are protruding

You notice obstructions in the flaps of the gecko’s skin, or dried mucus or faeces around the ears, nose, mouth or vent

Just because a crested gecko does not need to be played with and walked every day like a dog, or require the occasional toy or bag of catnip, do you think caring for these little creatures is going to be easier?

Do you think you are going to have hours of enjoyment every day watching your crested gecko hunt and play? Are you expecting to develop an undying bond with a crested gecko that wants nothing more than to ride around on your shoulder all day?

Many people have been extremely misinformed on how to raise crested geckos… it has become absurd…

It is incredibly urgent that you hear what I have to say if you want to stop making the critical mistakes so many other crested gecko owners are making today…

In a moment – I am going to show you the basic yet CRITICAL MISTAKES thousands of crested gecko owners make as well as quick-fix tips you can use INSTANTLY to get your beloved gecko back to optimal health!

I admit I love these crested geckos, or cresties, as I like to call them. I have kept and bred them for over 10 years, which makes me one of the most recognized authorities when it comes to these little reptiles.

Unfortunately, most people do not have the same level of expertise. They buy a crested gecko from their local pet store and expect it to be as easy to take care of as a goldfish. These people usually end up making all…

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