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The Essential North American Garden eBook

THIS MIGHT WORK FOR OTHER PEOPLE, BUT HOW DO I KNOW IT WILL WORK FOR ME? It’s easy to look at a self sufficient garden thriving and delivering your favorite fruits, vegetables, herbs spices, flowers, and think that it is somehow different than your garden. But it was just a few years ago that I was working hand over hand, on the verge of giving up and throwin away money, time, and energy on my homes backyard. Every Gardener Should Know This Often people choose to go into gardening as a lifestyle to save money on groceries or as an enjoyable pastime. Meanwhile they think this will benefit their financial situation, however most gardening techniques are too expensive to effectively contribute to the well-being of an individual, family, or community. Cost of tools, equipment and garden startups are often not accounted for and may cause problems down the line. To get around this problem, I would like to invite you to start using a technique that will prove to be a resolution and will result in your garden having more value while saving output costs. I decided to journal my experiences at the Sonoma State Environmental Technology Garden where I worked throughout my college years. Here we produce thousands of pounds a year and donate it all to the local food bank for low income families around the county. Using these techniques in a backyard garden would allow a family to have an abundance of food, and the greatest thing about this type of garden is that it uses self-sufficiency to cut down on unnecessary work. I’m nobody special. I’m just a guy who learned and studied agroecology practices and found techniques that will work for anybody! I’m a guy who’s tried a…

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