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Beeginner Beekeeper

Many people are moved by news of honey bees’ decline and they instinctively want to help.  This e-book shows gardeners and beekeepers how they can help honey bees by providing them with an optimum diet available for as much of the year as possible to boost their chances of survival in an ever hostile environment.

You don’t have to be a beekeeper to help honeybees! Potentially your garden can provide everything they need to live – nectar, pollen, propolis and water. Find out what they like and why, in this fascinating book all about the synergy between honeybee and plant.

Bees have been struggling. In the last 30 years the number of hives in the UK fell by more than half and wild honeybees are thought to have been close to extinction. Numbers of many wild bumblebee and solitary bee species have declined alarmingly too. By creating a forage-rich, chemical-free environment for bees we can all play a part in helping return these noble and fascinating insects to health.

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