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Invertebrate Auction Is live

Looking To Buy or Sell Exotic Invertebrates?

We have been busy working on a new feature for our invertebrate loving friends. We realize that there is a need for many collectors, breeders and enthusiasts to have a safe place to buy and sell exotic insects like roaches, isopods, mantids, walking sticks or whatever invertebrate you are caring for.

We are happy to announce that is open for business. It is totally free to use.

Very shortly, we will open tow other sites as companion sites for Invertebrate Auction. Those will be being built.) and will be a search engine that only lists invertebrate sites, making them easy to find for those of you in this hobby. The classified ads will be added to the auction site so that you will be able to post an auction, run your own store or post a classified ad. We also have a forum to help focus discussions and spark ideas. You can find that at

We are hoping that this suite of sites will help build our hobby into an industry, while also concentrating invertebrate sites in one space so that it will become easier to find information and hard to find invertebrates.

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