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Atlantoscia Floridana

Fast isopods are the quickest isopods around.  They get to be about a third of an inch in length.  They make a great feeder for the picky eaters who need to be entertained by moving feeder insects.  They also make great cleanup crew members of any enclosures.

Fast breeding, easy to keep.  They like it in the 70’s and 80’s, moist and a good amount of leaf matter.  They also eat fish flakes, yeast, and bee pollen. Fresh veggies are also happily accepted. 

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Giant Peppered Archimandrita tesselatta Roach Care

Giant Peppered Roach

​Giant Peppered Roach


Archimandrita tesselattaPeppered Roach


The Peppered Roach, hailing from northern South America and Central America is a large beautiful roach.


Housing: Tall and roomy with vertical bark or egg crate for molting and hanging out.

Food: Any food. They love fish flakes, bananas and oranges but will eat anything if in the mood. Hardwood leaves like Oak or Pecan are very important to their diet and longevity.

Temp Requirements: 70 to 85 Degrees

Breeding: Ovoviviparous

Substrate: Damp and about 3 inches deep. Coconut coir works well.

Difficulty Rating: Mid-range difficult because of the need for molting space hardwood leaves, moisture and length of time that it takes for nymphs to mature.

Size: They grow to 2 to 3 inches Humidity: Damp substrate and humid air.

Climbing/Flying Ability: Cannot climb nor fly

Peppered Roaches are a large roach that is very easy to handle.  They are meaty and dense with a very calm demeanor.  They will eat many different types of fruits, vegetables and fish flakes. They will also eat dry dog food. Nymphs take a while to grow and they are very small at first, but they are very much a great roach to add to any collection.


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Aeluropoda insignis ​”Flat Body Hisser” Care

Aeluropoda insignis ​"Flat Body Hisser"


Aeluropoda insignis

Genus ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Aeluropoda, is in the house.  Madagascar Hissing Roach, A. insignis gets its common name from its  flattened body.  Other hissing roaches from Madagascar do not have this characteristic.  Insignis is very tame and easy to handle, but they are great climbers and good escape artists, especially when small. A tight fitting lid is needed to keep small nymphs contained. We use totes with weather seal to keep them contained.  Flat body hissers like it dry and do well on normal roach food like fruits, veggies, and dry dog food.

Size: 1.4″ to 2.5″

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Earthworm Jerky

You are transplanting your seedlings into cellpacks and pots, you scoop a handful of worm castings into your potting mix and you suddenly have hunger pangs.  You wash your hands, head to the kitchen, pull out a bag of your favorite snack and pop some worm jerky into your mouth.  Yum.

Well, now that fantasy can become reality because someone has created worm jerky.  The worm jerky makers also make other jerky and operate out of Rhode Island.  Do a search for “Worm Jerky” and order a bag.  For now, I am going to stick with sugar-free Jello, but worm jerky could be just around the corner.


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Rabbits, bunnies, huts, breeds, training

"This e-book is a comprehensive, extremely readable guide that teaches you the essentials of owning a healthy and happy house rabbit… …For experienced bunny owners and first timers, this is a great book to teach yourself about what wonderful companions rabbits can be…." – Mona Jordan, USA Click here to get a free sample Click here to get your own full copy right now!

"I believe this is one of the most complete pet rabbit books I’ve ever read! Between many rabbit books, magazines, APR, and personal experience I have gathered my knowledge on these wonderful lagomorphs. It’s hard to find mostly all the info I’ve needed in one book. Not only do I believe it is a great compilation for experienced rabbit owners to have but also a great new introduction for beginners too! From the beginning of learning the ancestry of our own pet rabbits to teaching them tricks, it’s all great info! Overall, I loved this book and found it VERY easy to read. One of my favorite parts was the section on tricks! I can’t wait to try them out! If there is one book you need to have when owning a rabbit, I believe it’s this one, and I will be glad to recommend it to rabbit owners I know!" Sincerely, Elizabeth, USA (owner of five bunnies, six ducks, two cats and hamster and member APR)"
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Worm Starter Kit. Great Composting Deal!

We are now offering a great worm composting starter kit so that you can get a jump on your summer garden starting right now.

If you are new to worm composting and want some awesome information while also getting started, then check out our kit.

Our free setup guide, that comes with the worm composting starter kit, is packed with information from bin setup to troubleshooting.

Check it out while supplies last.  Once the books and pH meters are sold out, we will not offer this again until 2019.


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Lawn Care Magic – Grows the Perfect Lawn Fast and Without any Weeds or Pests

“Break-Through Lawn Secret Grows Your Lawn 3 Times Faster, With Less Work and Without any Expensive Fertilizers or Special Equipment…”

Imagine a Perfectly Landscaped Lawn Where There’s No More Weeds or Soil Pests, No Brown or Death Patches, No Expensive Fertilizer or Special Equipment, and with Very Little Work…
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