Blatticomposting is Composting with Roaches

Learn to make awesome nutrient rich roach castings for your plants while also breeding roaches for your reptiles.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Asap” bottom_padding=”10″ bottom_margin=”0″ width=”460″]Here’s a breakdown of what you get…[/text_block]

- Learn The Two Best Roaches for Composting and How you Can Get Some.
- Learn How to House Your Roaches for Optimal Growth, Breeding and Composting
- Learn How to Harvest and Use Roach Frass for Gardening
- Free Guide Packed with Information and Pictures.

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What Will I Learn?
You will get a free introduction to Blatticomposting and everything you need to know about this exciting new way to compost food scraps.
How much will this cost?
The eBook is free. Setting up a composting system with roaches is simple and can be done for next to nothing.
What about if I’m new to composting or growing roaches?
Blatticomposting is easier than worm composting. It is less labor intensive too. This is a great composting project for newbies and old gardening hands alike.
Will The Roaches Escape in my House?
The roaches that we reccomend for Blatticomposting cannot climb. They cannot escape. If they do escape somehow, they cannot live and breed in a home. They will die if they escape and are not found.[/text_block]

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What do I do if I have too Many Roaches?
You can sell the extra roaches, you can feed them to your reptiles, you can create more composting units. Don’t worry. The roaches will not breed to bursting. The population will be limited by the space and food availability. The roaches that we recommend also tolerate crowded conditions which helps in getting their numbers up so that they can eat all of your food scraps.
How Can I find the Roaches?
Although Blatticomposting is relatively new, you can readily find roaches for your project. We will provide the names of the roaches and various sources for you.
What Do I get with the eBook?
You will be given access to our secret Blatticomposting forum and Facebook page so that you can talk to others who compost with roaches, and you can even buy and sell your extra roaches.
What if I don’t Like the Book?
If you do not like our book you can delete it. It is free. We aren’t selling you anything. We are giving the eBook away to generate understanding of a great new way to compost and make reptile food at the same time.[/text_block]