We have been busy working on a new feature for our invertebrate loving friends. We realize that there is a need for many collectors, breeders and enthusiasts to have a safe place to buy and sell exotic insects like roaches, isopods, mantids, walking sticks or whatever invertebrate you are caring for.
We are happy to announce that Invertebrateauction.com is open for business. It is totally free to use.
Very shortly, we will open tow other sites as companion sites for Invertebrate Auction. Those will be Invertebratecrawler.com(still being built.) and Invertebrateclassifieds.com. Invertebratecrawler.com will be a search engine that only lists invertebrate sites, making them easy to find for those of you in this hobby. The classified ads will be added to the auction site so that you will be able to post an auction, run your own store or post a classified ad. We also have a forum to help focus discussions and spark ideas. You can find that at Invertebrateauction.com/forum.
We are hoping that this suite of sites will help build our hobby into an industry, while also concentrating invertebrate sites in one space so that it will become easier to find information and hard to find invertebrates.
“Discover How to Grow Delicious, Organic, Pesticide-Free Mushrooms at a Fraction of the Cost of Buying Them from Supermarkets”
Dear Mushroom Grower, Imagine you knew how to grow healthy and pesticide-free mushrooms in a way that people would swear you purchased them from organic farmers. Well, I’m going to reveal to you all the secrets of organic mushroom cultivation, no matter your starting level or whether you have no clue about it at all. Here’s why: Continue reading Mushroom Growing 4 You – Step-By-Step How To Grow your Very Own Mushrooms at Home
"It doesn’t matter who you are, how experienced you are or what your location is… You can grow perfect grape vines that produce the juiciest grapes you’ve ever tasted. Grow a single vine in your backyard, start your own large Vineyard – This is the perfect resource for you…"
The photos above and below were all taken on my farm, where I’ve been producing export quality grapes for the past 20 years. Continue reading Grow Perfect Grapes
“Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the "Fish" Do All the Work…”
Yep you read it right, this gardening technique uses fish poo to fertilize your garden and grow your food 4 times faster than conventional methods. Not only that, this new method of gardening doesn’t use any soil what-so-ever which mean NO WEEDS! Wohoo!
"I’ve just built my own aquaponics system. It was simple and it looks and works just like the ones that cost thousands more." Continue reading Easy DIY Aquaponics
Have you ever had a hankering for mealworm macaroni or fried fireflies? How about bug bread? Well, if you have, you are now in luck because a bread maker is starting to make bread made out of crickets for Human consumption. Insects are low in fat and high in protein. Bugs are a buffet item in other parts of the world, but will cricket casserole ever make it big in America? Maybe with time, or increased hunger, worms will inch their way into mainstream cuisine.
Bees are an important part of Worm Man’s Worm farm for several reasons. We need the pollination for our crops. We grow vegetables to feed our insects. Our Mealworms and Superworms eat potatoes, cucumbers and zucchini. We grow wheat that becomes part of the worm bedding for Confused Flour Beetles, Rice Flour Beetles, meal worms, super worms and more. We use the honey, beeswax and pollen to make our waxworm food to feed our big fat wax worms. Our Lesser Waxworms eat the same formula.
Without bees, our farm would not be the same. You don’t have to have a worm farm to keep bees. You could just want to keep bees as a hobby, for the honey, to pollinate your garden or for the wax to make candles or natural skin products. There are many reasons to keep bees. It is a fun and fulfilling hobby. Check out the Practical Beekeeping tips, know how and step-by-step instructions on how to start bee keeping right now!
We have worked out a free deal for our readers. You get the FIRST CHAPTER of Practical Beekeeping Starter Guide for free. Just download it straight to your inbox! This FREE Intro Worth$7. If you don’t like it then keep the first chapter and return here for more free information and bug stuff. 🙂 Continue reading Practical Beekeeping Book – Start Beekeeping – All about bees
Zebra roaches are a beautiful roach that grows to about and inch in length. They have beautiful striped coloration as adults.
Zebra roaches require wet substrate of peat or coconut coir, leaves and rotting logs. They should also have bark for hiding places. We have found that maple leaves and maple bark work best but others have had good results using other types of bark and leaves.
Zebra roaches love heat so keep them between 75 and 85 degrees for optimal health and breeding.
They love gold fish flakes. Tetra seems to work best for us.
All stages of Zebra roaches can climb but they cannot fly. They are easily handled once they get used to your presence.
A container with a tight fitting lid, and air holes drilled for airflow, will work well for them.
They are oviparous and will deposit ootheca in and on the rotting logs and on the substrate. Those eggs will hatch if kept between 75 and 85 Degrees.
Watch our video and see how we set up our Zebra Roaches.