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Red Eared Slider Secrets – The Red Eared Slider Secret Manual

Your Red-Eared Slider swims in an irregular manner, such as unevenly, in circles or upside-down, known as listing

Your Red-Eared Slider is vomiting anything other than food from a recent meal, especially if frequent
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The 3 Foods Both Roaches and Isopods Love

Feeding Roaches and


I am often asked what I use as a stable diet for roaches and for isopods, and if there is anything that will feed both.  The answer is yes and yes.  We feed three items to our roaches and to our isopods universally.  I will go into each food type that we use.  Those are not the only food items that we feed to our roaches and Isopods.  For instance, we feed or roaches a variety of vegetables and fruits in addition the to three universal items.  Those food items vary based upon the species.  Some roaches love oranges, for instance, while others ignore them.  Some are picky and some are not.  Most roaches eat good quality cat food, which is high in protein.

The three staple food items that our roaches and Isopods receive are;

  1.  Fish food flakes.  We use tropical fish flakes and gold fish food flakes for all of our roaches and isopods.  They all seem to devour it.  Good cat food contains about 27% protein, but fish food flakes contains 42% crude protein.  The fish food also has calcium, vitamin d and various vitamins and minerals that roaches and isopods need.   We buy the brand below by the case.  You can get it in smaller containers for less, and you can also use other manufacturers but this is what we use.


[phpbay keywords=”Tetra Fish food” num=”3″ siteid=”1″ sortorder=”BestMatch” freeshipping=”true” templatename=”columns” columns=”3″ paging=”true”]

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2.  The 2nd thing that we feed to our roaches and isopods is Brewers yeast.  We have not yet found an isopod species that does not love Brewer’s yeast.  Roaches seem to eat it also.  We feed this week.  Brewer’s yeast contains B vitamins and is a by-product for the beer making process.  Maybe that’s why they like it.  This is the type that we use, and it smells great.
[phpbay keywords=”Brewers Yeast” num=”3″ siteid=”1″ sortorder=”BestMatch” freeshipping=”true” templatename=”columns” columns=”3″ paging=”true”]

3.  The third food that our roaches and isopods love are leaves.  Most species of roaches and isopods love leaves.  They especially love Pecan, Oak and Sugar Maple leaves, in that order.  At least that is what our findings have been here with our 60 isopod and roach species that we grow here on our farm.

The video below is of some of our roach species eating leaves.  I apologize for the video quality.  I am still learning to make and edit video.

If you would like Pecan, Oak or Maple leaves just let us know.  We have them at great prices. Send me a message at Contact Support if you can’t find them.

Please tell us what you feed to your roaches and isopods below.  Upload some pictures of your species eating eating what you feed to them.

Thank you.


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GardenRack ─ The Waist High Raised Bed Garden System – Home

If you’ve had to stop doing the gardening you love ─ or have been told to quit ─ welcome to GardenRack, the ultimate raised bed garden plan. It’s a free-standing, portable, low cost alternative to in-ground gardening. If I could show you a way to walk out onto your deck, patio, balcony, or into your yard and do some weeding, watering, planting and harvesting c all without bending or kneeling ─ would you be interested? It’s possible because the height can be adjusted to your own custom fit. You can tailor GardenRack’s dimensions to fit any height needed. In the downloadable plans for building a raised bed garden, the planting surface is designed to be waist high. Want some proof? That’s me in the photo to the right. I’m 5 foot, 2 inches tall. If that’s your height, too, then just use the dimensions stated in the plans. If you happen to be taller or shorter, just measure your height from the ground to your waist and that’s how high the GardenRack should be. And in this photo you can see that I’m growing tomatoes, herbs and scallions all within the 2 foot by 3 foot planting beds. I grow spring veggies like lettuce, radishes, scallions, carrots and peas as well as summer vegetables like tomatoes, peppers and herbs. Since you can customize the height to your individual needs, GardenRack is a perfect fit for gardeners in wheelchairs or with limited mobility. There’s even a way to attach a trellis to grow vertically and reach vegetables for your supper ─ without help.

Get INSTANT ACCESS To GardenRack, the Waist High Raised Bed Gardening System
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5 Ways to Make Money Selling Excess Insects in 2018

Over the past few months I have worked hard to see one of my dreams come to fruition.  Being someone who has a passion for insects, and exotic insects at that, I have found that there are pockets of experts, groups on social media, different sites that cater to one type of insect, for instance Isopods or Mantids, but there isn’t any one place where breeders, teachers, learners and buyers can meet up, have discussions and trade, buy and sell.

I have had this need to create that place, make it free to use and ensure that it has proper oversight, security and visibility to the hobbyist. My hope is that it will provide a needed platform for the invertebrate world and bring many of the parts together in one place.

People who raise roaches usually also raise other insects, but they have to go to different places to find their interests.

Tonight, two hours before 2018, we are announcing which includes an auction, a directory, a Forum and, which I hope will be the Grubhub of Invertebrates.  Bugbuffet is still being honed and the bugs are being worked out but you are free to check it out.

I would love to get your feedback.  I envision a platform where small growers, worldwide, can start as a hobbyist and sell their excess on our platform and then scale up with us as they grow.  Imagine thousands of small hobby growers listed in and delivering composting worms, feeders, isopods, roaches, arachnids and mantids to their local areas, and also having the ability to sell nationwide via our auction and classified platform at

Please let me know your thoughts.  Will you use this free service?  Drop me a line here or at our forum at

The five ways you can sell your excess insects in 2018 are:

  1.  Invertebrate Auction
  2.  Invertebrate Classifieds
  4.  Through our Network-Wide Ad System here
  5.  By getting a Free Business Link in our Directory here.
    Thank you and Happy New Year!!


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Save Your Leopard Gecko – Leopard Gecko Care

Why is it—that the average Leopard Geckos lifespan is 10-20 years in the wild….. and only TWO years and captivity?

People have been extremely misinformed on how to raise Leopard Geckos… it’s become almost ludicrous…
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Free Composting With Worms Ebook!

Learn the Basics of Composting With Worms. 


  • Use 3 Types of Worms and One Type of Fly Larvae to Compost your Food Scraps and Garbage
  • Learn how to make your first composting bin for $5.
  • Compost indoors or outdoors year round.
  •  …and more.

My name is Ken, I own, and I grow and sell bugs.  I started my business in 1995 after growing a large amount of red worms to fill my garden with worm castings. I love to garden and I bought some worms out of the back of a classified ad in a magazine.  I grew those worms by feeding them our food scraps and the manure from our bunnies.  I was soon inundated with worms, so I created more worm bins and expanded my garden. At one point, I had so many worm bins and beds that it was almost uncontrollable. I showed my wife, who does not share my passion for gardening or insects, and she said “you bought worms from a magazine. There has to be more people like you out there.  Sell the excess worms.” Genius!  Why didn’t I think of that?

The Internet was brand new back then, so I dialed into America Online and found that I could get 5 free websites just for being an AOL member.  Those weren’t responsive websites  like we have today.  In fact, it was a 3 page site.  The main page listed what I wanted it to say and the other two pages were for contact info and biographical information.  No shopping cart, no Facebook links, no social media at all because it did not exist yet.

The last 22 years have been a roller coaster.  I built the business to a million dollars in sales per year,  and then crashed it, fought through a cricket virus, a mealworm shortage, 9/11, and my own stupidity. (Scroll down for more...)

Check Our Our First Site and What AOL Looked and Sounded Like in Memory Lane:

My First Site 1995:



Sounds of AOL 1995

AOL 1995

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I have written a book called Profitable Worm Manual. The information above and much more is in that book We will have it available for download soon.  In the meantime, I wanted to offer you something free that I wish that I had when I started.  

Basic Worm Composting Free Ebook:

 Learn the basics of vermicomposting with this ebook.  I cover the basics on raising Red Worms, European Nightcrawlers and African Nightcrawlers.  I also cover composting with Black Soldier Fly Larvae. This ebook is yours free.   Please download it here.  I will also update you when my much bigger AND FREE 🙂  Profitable Worm Manual is released.  I will also send you periodic worm farming news if you want it.

Thank you!!

[optin_box style=”8″ alignment=”center” email_field=”email” email_default=”Enter your email address” email_order=”0″ integration_type=”aweber” double_optin=”Y” thank_you_page=”” list=”515518″ name_field=”name” name_default=”Enter your first name” name_order=”0″ name_required=”Y” opm_packages=””][optin_box_field name=”headline”]Learn The Secrets of Composting With 3 Types of Worms [/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”paragraph”]PHAgc3R5bGU9InRleHQtYWxpZ246IGNlbnRlcjsiPjxzdHJvbmc+R2V0IFlvdXIgRnJlZSBFYm9vayBhbmQgbGVhcm4gaG93IHRvIGNvbXBvc3Qgd2l0aCBSZWQgV29ybXMsIEV1cm9wZWFuIE5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlcnMsIEFmcmljYW4gTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVycyBhbmQgb25lIHNwZWNpYWwgY2hhcHRlciBvbiBjb21wb3N0aW5nIHdpdGggQmxhY2sgU29sZGllciBGbHkgTGFydmFlLjwvc3Ryb25nPjwvcD4K[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”privacy”]We value your privacy and would never spam you[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”top_color”]undefined[/optin_box_field][optin_box_button type=”0″ button_below=”Y”]Get Instant Access![/optin_box_button] [/optin_box]

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Crested Gecko Secret Manual- Crested Gecko Care

Your gecko does not have a good bodyweight; for example, if the rest of the body is bulky, yet the hip bones are protruding

You notice obstructions in the flaps of the gecko’s skin, or dried mucus or faeces around the ears, nose, mouth or vent
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You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants.  Discover shortcuts that will help you build a hydroponics setup quickly and easily… and cheaply.

Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems, and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.  

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5 Reasons to NOT Throw out Your Christmas Tree!!

In a couple of days, millions of Christians will throw out their live Christmas trees.  This usually happens on New Year’s Day.  Instead, put that tree to good use.

  1. christmas tree
    Christmas Tree

  1.  Pine needles are devoured by Spanish Isopods so save those needles and get yourself some Spanish Isopods like Porcellio Ornatus, Porcellio Hoffmanseggi or Porcellio Magnificus and feed them some needles.
  2.  Chip that tree up, age it a bit and use the mulch for worm bedding, Isopod substrate or substrate for many roaches that love rotting wood like Surinam Roaches, and Zebra Roaches.
    Zebra Roaches

    Surinam Roaches

  3.  Cut the tree up and place the logs on the ground outside and attract wild Isopods like oniscus asellus (Skirted Isopods), Porcellio Scaber (Rough Isopods) and Wood Roaches.
  4.  Cut the tree trunk into 2″ disks and place in your Isopod and Roach enclosures to provide them places to hide.
  5.  If you live in an area where burning is permitted, then burn the leftover trimmings and use the potash as a fertilizer in your garden soil.  Mix it with worm castings and give your plants a boost.

Do you have other uses that you can think of for Christmas trees?  If so, Please post them below!