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Building A Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop and grow worms with the Chicken Poop!

Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you can make if you are looking for a way to keep your chickens safe, keep your worms safe from the chickens and to keep the chicken poop contained in the chicken coop until you are ready to use it.

Chicken manure is used to grow Soldier Fly Larvae, which we call Soldier Grubs.  The chicken manure is also good, one aged for growing red worms, European Night Crawlers, and African Night Crawlers.  If you have chickens and want to compost, need bait or want great worm castings for your garden, then build them a chicken coop and you will save the day.

It does not take a Harvard degree in ‘Chicken Coop Building’ to realize you already have to put pre-built chicken barns together, fitting this piece with that piece, so why not start from scratch?

Save time, money, and stress of reading instructions on building a chicken coop when you start from scratch, using affordable and simple backyard chicken coop plans.


Luckily, for you, we found some very easy to use and build plans for a chicken coop that will help you do everything that we mentioned above.  The plan will more than pay for itself.

Check out the really cool chicken coop to save your chicken poop plans. (I made that name up).

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