“Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the "Fish" Do All the Work…”
Watch as our superworms become beetles. We used an Ipod Touch, on the time lapse camera to capture superworms morphing into beetles. After they morph they crawl away so watch closely.
The actual time was about 6 hours. On our farm we actually place the pupa on a bed of slightly moistened coir in order to help the worms pupate properly so that they are fully formed and not deformed.
A six foot long Water Lizard name Poseidon has escaped from his Golden Gate Estates home in Florida The lizard has been sighted but he is still on the loose.
If any of our Florida friends see Poseidon please contact the authorities to get him home safely.
A woman in Australia took a picture of a 2ft worm that she discovered after a rain storm.
That worm would surely leave one heck of a large worm casting. The biggest worm that we ever grew was an African night crawler. The picture of that African nightcrawler is below. The Australian worm makes my worm look pathetic.
Huge African Nightcrawler
The large Australian worm is known as Digaster longmani and can grow up to 3 feet long in Australia. Read the story your self at the link below.
We have been working hard trying to figure out how to breed the biggest fly maggots, get them to be hardy so that they a tough enough to ship and put on a hook for fishing bait and able to last so that you can feed them to reptiles, chickens, dart frogs or whatever you might feed our maggots to. Our chicks and dart frogs love our fat white maggots, but enough about me.
Spikes are the larva of the Blue Bottle Fly. They grow quickly and must be refrigerated so that they do not pupate before you need them to.
We will ship live Spike Maggots year round starting shortly.
Meet our masot, Spike in the video. He is actively breeding and ensuring that we have enough spikes to fill orders so that we not out of stock. I would rather not launch if we are going to be out of stock after launching a new product.
Been there and done that. You can see that by browsing our products. The out of stocks are up because demand is up but that is not the way to do business. Spike will see to that. 🙂
Please let me know if you have any questions about our feeder fly maggots or anything else.
Thank you.
Interesting article about how they are turning food waste into methane and how the methane is being used to create electricity.
You can also do this at home with digesters you can buy on eBay and Amazon. Just do a search for “digesters” on those sites.
Now worm farms will have to compete with power companies for food and manure scraps. That is a great position to be in because we generate too much waste that could be put to good use.
Two Redworms caught breeding in the bed on the Memorial Day! Party animals…or invertebrates! Why do I feel like the guy from TMZ who does the breaking celebrity news?
Anyway, I thought that it was cool. I was feeding a breeding bed when I caught these two going at it so I turned on my camera phone and they got shy, broke apart and slithered into the night.
Share your pictures of your breeding worms caught in the act here with us.
Wormman.com does not sell garden snails or escargot snails, but we do have some growing here on the farm for fun. We do not eat them either…YUCK!
They are pretty cool to watch and we like to feed them our extra garden greens. We have a group of Helix aspersa that laid eggs which are about to hatch. I will post a follow-up when they hatch.
We also have Roman Snails or Helix Pomatia growing here. They are much bigger and very interesting. The Romans used to carry the snails with them as they conquered so that they had a source of rich meat.
I have pictures of Roman snails (Helix Pomatia) breeding below. This video of the eggs is from Helix Aspersa.
Both our Roman Snails and our Helix Aspersa have had babies in the past but this is the largest egg clutch yet.
I was cleaning out mealworm bins and sorting worms for shipping when I took a peek into the snail enclosure, which is in my office, and noticed the eggs. I later caught the Roman snails breeding and videotaped that on my phone and took pictures. Those are posted here also. Is that wrong? 🙂
This African Nightcrawler even scared me and I have been playing with worms for 30 years. I found this one as I was cleaning out an old breeder bin. He must have been hiding out for a while because he is gigantic and I have never seen an African Nightcrawler this big in my life. They can get big but this one was insanely huge. He will now be put out to stud, where he will spend the rest of his life breeding and making giant African Nightcrawler babies.