Looking for exotic, hard to find insects? We are currently working on breeding many hard to find exotics. Why? Because bugs are our business and we are into insects.
list before we list them on our site for sale.
Our list will get first access to our books and care sheets before we publish them or list them for sale. All for free.
Why? Well, we need to hear from you so that we can improve our selection and information, and our list subscribers are diehard insect enthusiasts. They love insects like we do so we will offer the first shot at exotic insects to the people who appreciate it most.
We will send updates to our list on available stock before we post it on our site.
Subscribe today and get our Blatticomposting book for free. Blatticomposting is composting with roaches. Specifically, composting with Ivory Head Roaches.

We will have Ivory Head Roaches for sale shortly.
Just a Few of Our Projects:
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