Okay, this is pretty funny. A woman sees a package on someone’s steps and steals it. What did she get? Superworms. Can you imagine the fear when she opened up the package and saw big fat Superworms wiggling around?
Watch as our superworms become beetles. We used an Ipod Touch, on the time lapse camera to capture superworms morphing into beetles. After they morph they crawl away so watch closely.
The actual time was about 6 hours. On our farm we actually place the pupa on a bed of slightly moistened coir in order to help the worms pupate properly so that they are fully formed and not deformed.
Superworms are a great worms. They do have specific requirements like temperature, feeding and separation of individual worms before they will pupate.
One of the most labor intensive jobs on our superworm farm is to pull the larva and beetles from the seperators.
Not only does it take a lot of time, but it is a disgusting and smelly job at times. If you have never smelled a dead and rotting superworm, you are lucky. It is the kind of smell that gets into your nose and skin and stays there no matter what you do to try to get rid of it.
I don’t have solution for you on the smell except to tell you to ensure that the pupating worms have plenty of air flow so that if they die they don’t rot.
The point of this post is to show you a large amount of superworms larva. We place the larva in pans and incubate them at an even temperature and humidity so that we get perfectly formed superworm beetles.
Superworm Seperators
The video below is of thousands of super worm larva. I thought it would make a cool video to show you what that looks like.
Please write if you have questions about breeding your own superworms.
You order your Superworms, the arrive and then, as you are opening your Super Worm box, that you don’t know how to care for them. You scramble for your phone, search for “Superworm Caresheet” and find a bunch of stuff. You grab some oat meals, throw in some apple s
ces and then put them in the refrigerator. You come back later and they are all dead. Believe it or not, we have had people contact us with this exact scenario, so we created this video and quick post.
Superworms are easy to care for. You just need some wheat bran, a potato and a plastic shoe box.
You don’t put the lid on the shoe box because the heat from the worms and the potato slices will cause the box to sweat and that will cause the worm bedding to mold. This could also cause mites to grow in your super worm culture.
That is all you need to do. Now watch the video where I tell you the same thing that I just told you. 🙂 If you need Superworms or bran please try Wormman.com
What can you use besides wheat bran as your superworm bedding? You can use chicken food. Egg layer mash that is used to feed egg layer chickens is a good food for Super Worms. Some people use oat meal or other grains to as a bedding and then feed a variety of vegetables to the superworms to ensure that they get everything that they need.
We have tried various grains and nothing grows super worms the way regular wheat bran does. We do use small amounts of yeast as a nutrient when feeding our superworms. They love it and it is good for them and for us.
If you are interested in breeding your own superworms, then you should try our Superworm Breeding kit.
We are offering a Superworm sale Through 8-29! Get 1000 small, medium or large superworms delivered to your door, via priority shipping for just $23.99. That’s it! No shipping or handing charges! $23.99 and you pick the size superworms that you need!
At least I think that our new Super Worm Poop Product is exciting. We are having our vinyl stickers for the shaker bottles made now. Imagine the thrill of being able to shake Super Worm Poop over your garden soil and turn it into lush green plants, vegetables and fruit. Are you imagining it? Ahh!
Our company produces Superworms, mealworms on 100% Human grade table grains and vegetables from our farm. We grow potatoes, carrots, cucumbers and zucchini just for our worms. We do not use chemicals, pesticides or hormones for our Superworms or Mealworms, so you can be positive that the worm poop that goes into your garden is only 100% nutrient rich worm poop.
Not only is our Super Worm Poop loaded with nitrogen Super Worm poop enriches your garden soil and hydroponic systems with micro-organisms which will improve root structure and give your plants the push they need to be greener and healthier than ever.
Super Worm Poop is a natural source of chitin. Chitin is in the exoskeleton of our Superworms and Mealworms. As the worms grow, they shed and those skins also grind into the worm poop. The addition of chitin to hydroponic systems and garden soil can produce phenomenal results. Chitin works by encouraging the growth of chitin eating bacteria. This bacteria attacks many forms of harmful plant fungus and nematodes. Chitin can help flowering plants produce flowers and fruits, and can also help plants produce natural oils and resins. Think aromatic botanical and medicinal plants here.
The Science:
On anti-pathogenic effects:
“A Review of the Applications of Chitin and Its Derivatives in Agriculture to Modify Plant-Microbial Interactions and Improve Crop Yields”
Russell G. Sharp 2013
“Chitin and its derivatives have been repeatedly shown to protect crops from pests, pathogens and physiological disorders. A number of modes of action have been identified for the beneficial effects of chitin-based treatment on crops, including direct antibiosis and the induction of plant defences. However, their action in stimulating beneficial microbes has proved particularly impressive, with chitin/chitosan amplifying the effect of beneficial microbes in controlling pathogens, promoting plant growth and remediating soil pollutants. Combined, these effects of chitin addition and the subsequent responses of plants and microbes have led to improvements in disease control, plant growth, and ultimately improved crop yield and quality. The effectiveness of chitin-based treatments has been found to be comparable to those achieved with current synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. This effectiveness combined with the low cost, low concentration required, ample supply (recycled waste) and health/environmental safety lead to a forecast that a range of chitin-based/augmented products will become a more common feature in agriculture in the near future.”
How to use:
As a Hydroponic additive:
Mix 1-2 tbsp. of Super Worm Poop per gallon of nutrient solution. Keep well aerated.
For Indoor Plants:
Super Worm Poop can be mixed directly into the soil. Sprinkle the poop lightly on top of the soil on indoor plants. The Super Worm Poop nutrients will soak down thru the soil each time the soil is watered.
To Start Seeds:
The size and growth rate of seedlings and transplants will be remarkably improved when mixing 1 cup of Super Worm Poop to 1 cubic foot of seed starting mix.
In Your garden:
Super Worm Poop should be mixed directly into the soil. Simply lightly sprinkle Super Worm Poop around your plants right onto the soil using the shaker bottle your Super Worm Poop is delivered in. The wonderful nutrients will soak down thru the soil each time the soil is watered.
On Your Roses and Perennials:
Top dress roses and perennials with Super Worm Poop or mix into the soil above the roots.
Right on Your Established lawn:
Broadcast Super Worm Poop at a rate of 5 lbs of insect frass per 100 Sq. feet of lawn.
For New lawns:
Apply 5 Lbs. of Super Worm Poop per 100 sq. ft. of lawn. Work the Super Worm Poop into the top 2″ of the soil. Apply grass seed and water well.
Planting trees and shrubs:
Dig your planting hole. Apply 1/4″ of Super Worm Poop to the center of the hole and spread the plants roots over the insect frass. Insert your plant and fill the rest of the hole with fertile soil.
Super Worm Poop Tea:
We do not recommend drinking Super Worm Poop, but if you are fan of red worm compost tea, then you will love Super Worm Poop Tea. The tea can be used to fertilize house and garden plants while watering. You can also be spray the tea on plant leaves as a foliar fertilizer.
How to Make Super Worm Poop Tea:
Method 1: Soak 1 tbsp. of Super Worm Poop in one gallon of water for 24 hours. Strain the tea solution and dilute with water as necessary before use.
Method 2: Fill a 5 gallon bucket 1″ full of Super Worm Poop and then fill the bucket with water. Use a small aquarium pump with a bubbler to add oxygen to the solution. The tea should be allowed to steep with the oxygen bubbles for at least a few hours. Strain the tea solution and dilute with water as necessary before use.
For a microbial kick to your Worm Poop Tea, add 1/4 cup of molasses when brewing.
If you want to save a ton of time then invest the time in making some mealworm and superworm baskets for your worm breeding operation. We used to take hours to move beetles and mealworms one at a time until we made these beetle baskets. Now, what used to take us all day, takes us about 15 minutes to physically move all of our baskets to new trays of bedding.
I made a video showing you how to do it and I will also give you step by step instructions below.
You will need:
Dish Pans, which can be purchased for 5o cents to a dollar at most dollar stores.
Bins for holding mealworms and superworm breeding beetles
A roll of hardware cloth with small enough holes so that the beetles cannot get through but the bedding and eggs will still be able to be sifted out.
I plastic welder. I bought a bunch of the ones in the picture for about $13.
A glue gun that handles large glue stick.
Glue sticks.
Step 1: Cut out the bottom of the bins using the plastic welder.
Step 2: Use the bottom section that you cut out as a template and cut the hardware cloth about 1 inch larger than the section you removed so that the hardware cloth overlaps with the plastic on the bin. Step 3: Using the hot glue gun, glue the hardware cloth to the bottom of the bin.
Step 4: Watch the video and see our mealworm and Superworm beetle baskets in action.