We have been working hard trying to figure out how to breed the biggest fly maggots, get them to be hardy so that they a tough enough to ship and put on a hook for fishing bait and able to last so that you can feed them to reptiles, chickens, dart frogs or whatever you might feed our maggots to. Our chicks and dart frogs love our fat white maggots, but enough about me.
Spikes are the larva of the Blue Bottle Fly. They grow quickly and must be refrigerated so that they do not pupate before you need them to.
We will ship live Spike Maggots year round starting shortly.
Meet our masot, Spike in the video. He is actively breeding and ensuring that we have enough spikes to fill orders so that we not out of stock. I would rather not launch if we are going to be out of stock after launching a new product.
Been there and done that. You can see that by browsing our products. The out of stocks are up because demand is up but that is not the way to do business. Spike will see to that. 🙂
Please let me know if you have any questions about our feeder fly maggots or anything else.
Thank you.