Watch as our superworms become beetles. We used an Ipod Touch, on the time lapse camera to capture superworms morphing into beetles. After they morph they crawl away so watch closely.
The actual time was about 6 hours. On our farm we actually place the pupa on a bed of slightly moistened coir in order to help the worms pupate properly so that they are fully formed and not deformed.
Superworms are a great worms. They do have specific requirements like temperature, feeding and separation of individual worms before they will pupate.
One of the most labor intensive jobs on our superworm farm is to pull the larva and beetles from the seperators.
Not only does it take a lot of time, but it is a disgusting and smelly job at times. If you have never smelled a dead and rotting superworm, you are lucky. It is the kind of smell that gets into your nose and skin and stays there no matter what you do to try to get rid of it.
I don’t have solution for you on the smell except to tell you to ensure that the pupating worms have plenty of air flow so that if they die they don’t rot.
The point of this post is to show you a large amount of superworms larva. We place the larva in pans and incubate them at an even temperature and humidity so that we get perfectly formed superworm beetles.
Superworm Seperators
The video below is of thousands of super worm larva. I thought it would make a cool video to show you what that looks like.
Please write if you have questions about breeding your own superworms.
You order your Superworms, the arrive and then, as you are opening your Super Worm box, that you don’t know how to care for them. You scramble for your phone, search for “Superworm Caresheet” and find a bunch of stuff. You grab some oat meals, throw in some apple s
ces and then put them in the refrigerator. You come back later and they are all dead. Believe it or not, we have had people contact us with this exact scenario, so we created this video and quick post.
Superworms are easy to care for. You just need some wheat bran, a potato and a plastic shoe box.
You don’t put the lid on the shoe box because the heat from the worms and the potato slices will cause the box to sweat and that will cause the worm bedding to mold. This could also cause mites to grow in your super worm culture.
That is all you need to do. Now watch the video where I tell you the same thing that I just told you. 🙂 If you need Superworms or bran please try
What can you use besides wheat bran as your superworm bedding? You can use chicken food. Egg layer mash that is used to feed egg layer chickens is a good food for Super Worms. Some people use oat meal or other grains to as a bedding and then feed a variety of vegetables to the superworms to ensure that they get everything that they need.
We have tried various grains and nothing grows super worms the way regular wheat bran does. We do use small amounts of yeast as a nutrient when feeding our superworms. They love it and it is good for them and for us.
If you are interested in breeding your own superworms, then you should try our Superworm Breeding kit.