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13 Isopods and Care Information

Armadillidium Vulgare

We have about 40 different species of Isopods here.   Trust me, that is a lot of isopods.  I made a video of three species of Spanish Isopods a few days ago.  That one covered Hoffmanseggi, Magnificus and Porcellio Ornatus “Dark South”.   That post is here. 

This video covers 13 different isopods.  Those are:

  1.   Porcellionides Floria “Flowery Blue”
  2.   Trichorhina Tomentosa “Dwarf White Isopod”
  3.   Cylisticus Convexus “Curly Isopod”
  4.   Armadillidium Maculatum “Zebra” isopod.
  5.   Armadillidium Vulgare “Roly Poly”
  6.   Porcellio Spinicornis
  7.   Porcellio Scaber
  8.   Armadillidium Nastium “Peach”
  9.   Trachelipus rathkii 
  10.   Porcellionides Pruinosis “Orange”
  11.   Porcellio Ornatus  “High Yellow”
  12.   Armadillidium S.P. “Montenegro”
  13.   Porcellio Laevis “Smooth Isopod.

I will link to care information for each one as soon as I get the chance.  I will just post brief care info now and then do more later.  I hope that you enjoy the video.  The text in the video is hard to see which is why I am duplicating that here.Thank you for stopping in.


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