We have about 40 different species of Isopods here. Trust me, that is a lot of isopods. I made a video of three species of Spanish Isopods a few days ago. That one covered Hoffmanseggi, Magnificus and Porcellio Ornatus “Dark South”. That post is here.
This video covers 13 different isopods. Those are:
- Porcellionides Floria “Flowery Blue”
- Trichorhina Tomentosa “Dwarf White Isopod”
- Cylisticus Convexus “Curly Isopod”
- Armadillidium Maculatum “Zebra” isopod.
- Armadillidium Vulgare “Roly Poly”
- Porcellio Spinicornis
- Porcellio Scaber
- Armadillidium Nastium “Peach”
- Trachelipus rathkii
- Porcellionides Pruinosis “Orange”
- Porcellio Ornatus “High Yellow”
- Armadillidium S.P. “Montenegro”
- Porcellio Laevis “Smooth Isopod.
I will link to care information for each one as soon as I get the chance. I will just post brief care info now and then do more later. I hope that you enjoy the video. The text in the video is hard to see which is why I am duplicating that here.Thank you for stopping in.