Both nymphs and adults massively plump, are easy to handle and make a great pet roach. They are actually one of the larger species in the hobby.
Females have small wings and males have wings covering most of their lower body.
Both males and females, as well as nymphs are incapable of flight and climbing glass or plastic. Males display a colors from tan to dark brown.
Females have an almost orangey blackish color. A light cream band border lines the front edge of their pronotum.
Roth’s Burrowing Cockroach hide in a substrate and seem to enjoy two to three inches of coconut bedding with hard wood hides and hang spots with some dried leaves.
They love fish flakes, potatoes, fruit and long walks on the beach. Kissing about the beach part.
This is a great roach for keeping if you are a new hobbyist who wants a large docile roach that you can handle.
Common housefly that has a genetic mutation that deforms their wings and does not allow for flight. Sold as a live food for reptiles, amphibians, Mantinds, Spiders and more.
I found these springtails in my Onicus Asellus culture. We are now culturing them for possible sale in the future. The culture was found in New Jersey in October, 2017 so they are temperate isopods. You can get more info and see the video below or here on our blog.