
Shield-like upper area of the head.  Sometimes very decorated like in the case of Deaths Head Roaches which is pictured. 

Room Temperature

A comfortable temperature in a Human dwelling.  It is generally agreed that room temperature is referring to a temperature close to 70 degrees F..

Sinella curviseta

Sinella curviseta

Tropical Pink Springtails

Great tropical springtail that tolerates heat well and does really well in warm, humid reptile and roach enclosures.  They thrive in Temps between 70 and 90 Degrees.
If you need some, check out our selection that we have for sale.

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.Read more


Larvae of the Blue Bottle Fly.  Used as a feeder insect for larger amphibians and mantids.  Also used a  fishing bait because of the large size of the larva.


The material that lines the bottom of invertebrate enclosures.  For instance, we use coconut coir bedding as a substrate for many of our roaches and isopods.

Tenebrio Molitor “Mealworms”

Tenebrio Molitor


Mealworms are the larva of the Teberio Molitor beetle.  They are commonly used as a feeder insect for birds, reptiles, fish, Sugar Glider and fish.

Mealworms are easy to grow and breed and are a great staple food for many pets.  The best food to grow mealworms in is wheat bran.  They drink from slices of potato which are replaced on the top of the bedding/food every other day.

If you are looking for mealworms for sale, try use out here.  

Wax Worms

Larvae of Galleria Mellonella also known as the Bee Moth.  The larva are a pest in bee hives but are a great fat source for fattening reptiles and amphibians.  Wax worms are also a great bait for ice fishing.