Grindal Worms

Grindal worms are small white worms used for feeding small fish and amphibians.  They breed quickly and are raised on Brewer’s yeast and fish flakes.  Their scientific name is

Enchytraeus buchholzi


Stages of nymphs or larvae between molts.  There may be several molts as an invertebrate grows and each molt is labeled as an instar.  For instance, 1st instar, 2nd instar etc…


Larva and the plural “Larvae”  are the form between an egg and an adult.  For instance, the mealworm is the larva of the Tenebrio Molitor, which is a beetle.


Central chewing parts of the mouth.


Shedding of exoskeleton

Nauphoeta cinerea Lobster Roaches

Nauphoeta cinerea

Lobster Roaches

Common and Scientific
Lobster Roaches
 Nauphoeta cinerea
Breeding Information and
Defining Characteristics

readily.  Gives birth to live young.  If kept above room temp, with food provided they will breed
Feeding Preferences Dry dog food, cat food, fresh fruits and vegetables such as romaine, carrots, apples, bananas,
oranges, celery, squash, peas and others.
Housing Requirements
Extra large critter keeper, a 5 gallon bucket with a lid or rubber storage tubs with ventilation holes.
Add a thick layer of Bug Boundary Grease or paint a boundary
with Bug Boudary, to reduce losses and prevent escapes.
Difficulty Rearing
Climbing Habit
They climb glass and plastic well but prefer
to stay hidden in egg crates and hiding spots.
No substrate needed.  Vertically
positioned egg crates are all they need to be happy.
Temperature and Humidity
Keep the cage between 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The environment should be relatively humid by
misting the cage at least once in a day very lightly.
Do not make it wet.
Not allowed in Florida


Pictures: Lobster Roaches


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The juvenile form of the cockroach.