Blaptica dubia ​”Guyana Orange Spotted Roach”


6 in stock

SKU: dubia Category: Tag:


The Guyana Orange Spotted Roach, or more commonly known now as the “Dubia Roach”, has quickly become one of the world’s most popular feeder insects.

They are very easy to care for, quick to reproduce, have high nutritional value, and cannot climb.  They have essentially replaced crickets as a feeder in many situations. Nymphs are mostly a grey color, while adults can be quite beautiful. Males are mostly dark and are fully winged, while females range from very dark to golden and have a nice striped to spotted pattern. Whether pet or feeder, this is a beautiful and very easy species to keep.

We can also sell this species by size and in virtually any quantity. Just ask us! Adults reach 1.5″-1.9″
You will receive 10 Roaches with your order.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz


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