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Amazon Packaging Overwhelming Recycling Centers

Well, it appears that the growth of Amazon is also causing growth in the piles of garbage in landfills and recycling centers.  Here is a link to the news story. 

So, why is this newsworthy, especially for a blog about worms and invertebrates?

The simple fact is that red worms eat cardboard.  If everyone kept a vermicomposting bin they could compost those Amazon boxes right at home and never have to send those to a landfill.

The process is simple.  Cut the boxes into strips to increase the surface area once placed in the worm bins.  Moisted the cardboard strips by soaking them.  Then let the worms have at it.  Aerate the bin by turning the cardboard every few days to get air into the layers and the worms and bacteria will do the rest.  In a few weeks your Amazon boxes will be turned into worm castings which will be ready to feed your plants just in time for spring.

Please let me know if you need for me to make a video about it.

If you need redworms, then please check out our selection.